About Us

Criminal Law

At Tach Law Firm, our Criminal Team recognise just how stressful the prospect of any form of criminal proceedings can be. Whether it is our client's first experience of this situation or not, our team specialising in Criminal Law operate a sensitive and understanding approach to all clients, during what is usually a very distressing and traumatic time for them and we pride ourselves on our ability to take steps to relieve this pressure from the minute our team of highly committed Criminal Law Lawyers get involved.

These experienced Criminal Law Lawyers are equipped to deal with all criminal matters and provide specialist advice, assistance and representation at Police Stations, Magistrate's Court and at Crown Court.

Tach Law Firm offer a 24-hour emergency police station service for clients who have been arrested and require immediate telephone advice and/or attendance at a police station for interviews.

Our Police station advice and representation service is completely free of charge.

The Criminal Law areas in which we can provide advice and assistance range from petty crime to more serious matters, including:

  • Murder and manslaughter
  • Rape and all sex related offences
  • Robbery
  • Burglary
  • Grievous Bodily Harm and all other assault cases
  • Possession and supply of drugs
  • Public order offences including affray, harassment and all racially aggravated offence
  • Shoplifting and all other theft related offences
  • Criminal damage
  • Road Traffic Offences including careless driving, speeding and taxi touting cases

Our Criminal Law team is always available to see clients at short notice, whether in custody or on bail and they are also able to deal with any appeals against conviction and/or sentence at both the Crown Court and Court of Appeal.